stranica pogledana 4476 puta artikl unesen: 16.09.2012 zadnja izmjena: 12.02.2020 Mjerac masnoce mesa - veliki senzorproizvođač: Distell
Distell mjeraè masnoæe u mesu omoguæuje brzo, lagano i precizno mjerenje kolièine masnoæe u mesu životinja i peradi. Brzo, jednostavno i sigurno mjeri kolièinu masnoæe u mesu. Mjerenja su bezopasna i nisu destruktivna niti štetna živim životinjama. Rezultat mjerenja prikazan je odmah. Ovaj mjeraè je standardan komercijalni model prikladan za mjerenje masnoæa u mljevenom mesu ili u manjim živim životinjama. On je AQIS akreditiran prema kemijskim standardima (CL). Veæi senzor omoguæuje preciznije mjerenje od modela sa malim senzorom. Mjeraè ne radi na zaleðenom mesu pa uzorci moraju biti potpuno odleðeni rije mjerenja. Mjeraè je portabilan i sa jednim punjenjem može raditi 10-12 sati. Brtvljen je po IP67 normi tako da se bez problema može upotrebljavati u mokrim i grubim uvjetima. Ureðaj se isporuèuje sa:
Kalibracija Razlièite vrste mesa imaju razlièite karakteristike tako da svaki mjeraè može biti isporuèen sa razlièitim setom kalibracija. U cijenu mjeraèa ukljuèena su 4 kalibracije po Vašem izboru. Do 8 dodatnih kalibracija mogu se dodatno doplatiti. Svaki mjeraè može sadržavati do 64 kalibracije.
The lipid content of naturally occurring meat is related to the water content, and the measurement of one can serve to determine the other if the relationship is known. The Distell Meat Fatmeter utilises this fact in establishing the fat content. The instrument uses a microstrip sensor which is sensitive to the water content of the sample. Using stored calibration data the instrument converts the response of the sensor to a displayed percentage fat/oil content. The principles of the method were defined after a number of years of research and development conducted by the Torry Research Station (TRS) of the UK’s Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF) in Aberdeen, Scotland. Calibrations were obtained using large numbers of meat samples covering many species. Results of this work and other related research have been published in the scientific and technical press by staff of TRS. This instrument has been further developed by The Fatmeter is covered by various patents in several countries.
Accuracy Of Results The accuracy of the FATMETER depends upon the fat/oil content of the sample being measured and ranges from an uncertainty in the fat content of (+/-) 1% (95% confidence interval) at low levels to (+/-) 4% at very high levels (greater than 45%). Therefore it is advisable that the operator follows the measurement methodology rigorously, and always takes readings as described in wall charts supplied. Accuracy GuideFat/Oil Reading Accuracy 2 to 15% from.. ± 0.5% rising to.. ± 1.0% (13 - 15% at 14%) 16 to 30% from.. ± 1.0% rising to.. ± 2.0% (28 - 32% at 30%) 31% and above from.. > ± 2.0% rising to.. ± 4.0% (46 - 54% at 50%) The results gained will allow the operator to take swift decisions regarding processing of the type of meat being measured. |